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National Watershed Development Programme

National Watershed Development Programme

The Department of Land Resources in the Ministry of Rural Development is
administering three area-based watershed programmes for development of wastelands/degraded
lands namely Drought Prone Areas Programmes (DPAP), Desert Development Programme
(DDP) and Integrated Wastelands Development Programme (IWDP) to check the diminishing
productivity of wasteland and loss of natural resources.

The DPAP was launched in 1973-74 to tackle the special problems faced by those areas
that are constantly afflicted by drought conditions. Presently, 972 blocks of 195 districts in 16
States are covered under the Programme. DDP was launched in 1977-78 to mitigate the adverse
effects of desertification. Presently, 235 blocks of 40 districts in 7 States are covered under the Programme. IWDP has been under implementation since 1989-90. The projects under the IWDP
are generally sanctioned in areas that are not covered under DDP or DPAP.

Since 1 April 1995, these three programmes are being implemented on the basis of
Common Guidelines for Watershed Development. Details of projects sanctioned and funds
released from 1995-96 to 2007-2008 are as under:

The projects under DPAP and DDP are sanctioned for 500 ha. each while the IWDP
projects cover an area of 5000-6000 ha. The cost norms for all the three schemes have been
revised to Rs. 6000 per ha. Under DPAP and DDP, it is shared between the Centre and the States
in ratio of 75:25. In case of IWDP, the cost sharing between the Centre and State Governments is
in the ratio of 11:1.

Funds are released in seven installments, six installments at the rate of 15 per cent and the
last installment at the rate of 10 per cent. The first installment is released along with the initial
sanction-order and subsequent installments on receipt of utilization for 50 per cent of the
available funds as well as the following documents:

 Quarterly Progress Reports
 Utilisation Certificates
 The Audited Statement of Accounts for the previous years and
 Evidence of satisfactory completion of institutional arrangements
 Projects are implemented by District Rural Development Agencies/Zilla Parishads
(DRDAs/ZPs) through Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs). PIAs could be a Line
Department (of the State Government), Panchayati Raj Institutions or a reputed NGO.

One PIA normally handles 10-12 watershed projects covering an area of about 5000-6000
hectares. The PIA is required to maintain a technical team of 4 experts called Watershed
Development Team (WDT) and individual projects (500 hectares) are planned and executed by
the local people living in the watershed area called the Watershed Association (WA) through an
elected body called Watershed Committee (WC).

The Department of Land Resources has brought out a new initiative called Hariyali with
an objective of empowering PRIs both financially and administratively in implementation of
Watershed Development Programmes. Under this initiative, all ongoing area development
programmes namely, Integrated Wastelands Development Programme (IWDP), Drought Prone
Areas Programme (DPAP) and Desert Development Programme (DDP) are to be implemented
through the PRIs. New projects under the aforesaid area development programmes are being
implemented in accordance with the guidelines for Hariyali from 1 April 2003. Projects
sanctioned prior to this date shall continue to be implemented as per the Watershed Development
Guidelines of 2001.

In the new arrangement, Gram Panchayats shall implement projects under overall
supervision and guidance of Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs). An intermediate
panchayat may be the PIA for all the projects sanctioned to a particular Block/Taluka. In case,
these Panchayats are not adequately empowered, then the Zilla Panchayat can either act as PIA
itself or may appoint a suitable Line Department like Agriculture, Forestry /Social Forestry, Soil
Conservation, etc., or an Agency of the State Government/ University/Institute as PIA. Failing
these options, the ZP/DRDA may consider appointing a reputed Non-Government Organization
(NGO) in the district with adequate experience and expertise in the implementation of watershed
projects or related area development works as the PIA after thoroughly examining their
The Project Implementing Agency (PIA) will provide necessary technical guidance to the
Gram Panchayat for preparation of development plans for the watershed through Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercise, undertake community organisation and training for the village
communities, supervise watershed development activities, inspect and authenticate project