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National Extension Services (NES-1953)

National Extension Services (NES-1953)

NES was implemented from 2.10.1953. This was implemented in the areas which were
not covered by CDP, so that entire country would get the benefit of development. When
compared to CDP, the NES was less intensive in character.
Since CDP and NES had the same basic ideas, they were integrated both at the centre and
state. With effect from April, 1958 there was no distinction between CD blocks and NES . All
NES blocks became CD blocks was achieved by October 1963.
NES covered almost all the villages in the country; For this national programme apart
from the existing system, a new administrative organisation was built. At central level Planning
Commission itself headed by PM acted for direction and coordination of development. It was assisted by an advisory board comprising of secretaries of several Central Ministries concerned. An administrator for CDP was appointed to work under the control of the Central Committee for the overall management of the programme. At state level, a state development committee under the chief minister was set-up with several ministers as its members. It was assisted by the state level advisory aboard with development department secretaries. A development commissioner was responsible for management of the programme.

Objectives of NES
(i) to change the outlook of village people;
(ii) to make the people participate effectively in development programmes;
(iii) to develop village leaders accepted by all; and
(iv) to increase the employment and production.

Defects of CD/NES
(i) Uneven distribution of benefits;
(ii) Absence of clear-cut priorities;
(iii) Lack of self reliance and mutual aids; and
(iv) Inadequate emphasis on development of cottage and small scale industries and