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Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) (1982)

Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) (1982)

The need for introducing specific programmes for the development of poor women was
felt. Many progarammes were launched for them. One such programme formulated and
launched since September 1982 in DWCRA.

It aims at motivating and assisting women to engage themselves in a productive activity
for earning a substantial income as well as to improve the quality of their own and children’s life.
Thus, though the economic activity is the priority, the social betterment of the women and their
children is also aimed at. It is partly supported by UNICEF and is jointly financed by Union and
State Governments. It operates in conjunction with IRDP and TRYSEM.
The main features of this programme are:

(i) Women of identified poor families are organised into groups of 15-20 each for taking up
income generating activities suited to their skills and aptitude.
(ii) Group members are given training usually under TRYSEM.
(iii)One time grant of Rs.15, 000 is provided for each group as revolving fund for purchase of
raw materials, marketing, child care etc. This amount is shared equally by Union and
State Government and UNICEF.
(iv)Each group selects one of its members as group organiser who is to help women in the
selection of economic activities suited to their skills and aptitude, procurement of raw
materials etc.
(v) Besides engaging in economic activity, each group is expected to be recipient of benefits
of other development and welfare programmes.
(vi)Multi-purpose centre are being set up to serve as the central place for the working of
women groups.

The list of income-generating activities undertaken under the scheme are: tailoring,
embroidery, ready-made garments, pickle making, papad making, bakery, candle making, soap
making, chalk making, envelop making, match box making, knitting, weaving, basket making, agarbathi making, poultry, dairy, piggery, goat rearing, bee keeping, mushroom production, fruit
and vegetables processing, etc.