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Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP-1960)

Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP-1960)

The major outacome of the above thinking was the formulation of a strategy of intensive
approach to agricultural production, specially the foodgrains. A new programme named as
IADP was formulated which was launched gradually from 1960. The third five year plan (1961-
1966) incorporated this programme into the planned development process.

 This programme was popularly known as a "package programme". This name was given
because of the collective and simultaneous application of all practices of improved seeds,
irrigation, fertilizer, plant protection, implements, credit, etc.

 This programme was started in July 1960 in seven selected districts in various states.
They were (I) West Godavari in AP, (ii) Shahabad in Bihar, (iii) Tanjore in Tamil Nadu, (iv)
Raipur in MP, (v) Ludhiana in Punjab; (vi)Pali in Rajasthan; and (vii) Aligarh in UP. The
selections of these districts were done on the basis of their high potentiality for increasing the
yield in shorter time. These selected districts had suured water supply for irrigation, well
developed cooperatives, good physical infrastructure and minimum hazards.

(i) to achieve rapid increase in the level of agriculture production through a concentration of
financial, technical, extension and administrative resources;
(ii) to achieve a self-generating breakthrough in productivity and to raise the production
potential by stimulating lthe human and physical process of change; and
(iii) to demonstrate the most effective ways of increasing production and thus, to provide
lessons for extending such intensified agricultural production programes to other areas.

Short coming
1. Educational approach to reach farmers was lacking.
2. VLW were found below standard and were not able to impress farmers.