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High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP-1966)

High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP-1966)

HYVP is launched in 1966, which helped the country in attaining self-sufficiency in
food. The technological development did not remain confined to the introduction of high
yielding crop varieties alone. These were combined with the application of high analysis and
balanced fertilizer, irrigation, plant protection, improved implements etc, which made a 'green
revolution' possible in the country. The pervasive influence of high yielding technology spread
to other areas of farm production such as animal production, such as animal production, fishery,
sericulture, social forestry etc.

Punjab, Haryana and Western parts of UP were initially selected for the phased launching
of this strategy. The cultivation of HYV since 1966-67 had resulted in a substantial increase in foodgrains production. Wheat production was doubled. Rice production also had a substantial increase, though not as much as in the case of wheat. The target of coverage of 2.5 crore hectares of area under HYVs of cereals and millets under fourth five year plan was exceeded. The coverage was more than four crore hectares.