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1. Rose Thrips
2. Red Scale
3. Red Spider Mite
4. Rose Aphid/Lice

1. Hairy Caterpillar
2. Castor Semilooper
3. Flower Chaffer Beetle
4. Leaf Folder
5. Leaf Cutting Bee

1. Rose thrips: Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus (Thripidae: Thysanoptera)

Distribution and status :Cosmopolitan

Host rangeGrapes,rose, Lagestoemia indica, Punica granatum.

Damage symptoms : Nymph and adult lacerates leaves from the under surface of the leaves and flower buds. As a result white streaks appear on the infested leaves. Leaves show brown patches and get distorted, finally wither and drop down. Infested flowers do not open, flowers fade and drop down prematurely

Bionomics  Adults are blackish brown and nymphs are reddish in colour. Eggs are inserted into the tissues. A female lays about 45-55 eggs, nymph, adult period are 2-3 weeks and five days respectively. 

: Remove and destroy the damaged leaves, twigs and dlower buds along with the pest
Use yellow sticky traps at 15/ha to monitor activity of sap feeder
Spray neem oil 3% or  methyl demeton 25 EC 1.0 L in 500-750 L of water per ha or apply carbofuran 3 G 5g/plant.

2. Rose aphid/lice:  Macrosiphum rosaeformis (plains); M. rosae (hills)(Aphididae:  

Distribution and status: Northern India, Punjab, Delhi, Mysore, Andhra Pradesh and the Nilgiri Hills

Host range: Rose

Damage symptoms :  Adults suck saps from the tender leaves, buds and twigs resulting in disfigurement and withering of flowers. They make punctures, producing wounds, which leaves mark as the flowers open. Black fungus develops on the honey dew excreted by the insects.

Bionomics : Small pear shaped soft-bodied aphids, light green to dark blackish green in color. Apterous form has an elongated body, large red eyes, black cornicles and yellowish green tip at the abdomen. Nymphal development completed in 11-14 days in apterous forms and 14-19 days in alate forms. Aphid multiples rapidly in late spring but cannot withstand the summer heat.
Management : Variety Damask is susceptible while Hawaii is comparatively resistant.
Spray malathion 50 EC 500 ml or methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml in 500 -750 L of water /ha.

3. Red Scale: Lindingaspis rossi (Coccidae : Hemiptera) 

Damage symptoms
         Reddish brown waxy scales completely cover the stem especially on the lower portion of the old stem and younger shoots. Tiny specks in scurvy like patches on the affected stems appear like spots of pox. The affected plant parts become disfigured, dry wither away. In case of severe infestation, the entire plant dies.

Bionomics : Female scales are wingless, comparatively larger and settle in a suitable feeding site, whereas long winged males move to fertilize the female scale. 

Management : Cut and burn affected branches
Rub off scales from twigs with cotton soaked in kerosene or diesel.
Spray malathion 50 EC or endosulfan 1.0 L in 500 - 750 L of water / ha at the time of pruning and again during March- April or apply carbofuran 3G 5g/plant or spray fish oil rosin soap 25 g /L