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Botanical description

Common Name : Mango
Botanical Name : Mangifera indica L.
Family : Anacardiaceae
Origin : Indo-Burma region
Genus : Mangifera
Species : indica
Chromosome No.: 2n= 40 (Amphidiploid)
Pollination Type : Cross

Area and Production

  • It is national fruit of India.India ranks First in the area and production of Mango fruit in the world.
  • In India, Mango is grown in 2.3 million hac. Area with a production of 15.2 MT with an average productivity of 6.6 MT/hac. (in 2010-2011) source NHB.
  • It is leading fruit crop of India and considered to be the king of fruits. In India it has been grown for over 400 years. India shares about 56% of total mango production in the world.
  • Mango occupies 22% of the total under fruits in india.
  • Uttar Pradesh and AP. Are having the largest area under mango each with around 25% of the total area followed by Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu.
  • It is also grown in Pakisthan, Bangladesh, Burma, Malaya, Philipines, Srilanka, Egypt, Africa, Florida, Hawaii, Brazil, Mexico, etc.
  • North East India is the native place of many Mango species. Area in Gujarat- 34099 hectares. Growing districts are Valsad , followed by Junagadh, Surat, Bhavnagar, Kheda, Amreli, Bharuch, Sabarkantha, and khtch.

Popular varieties of mango in different regions

Region            Varieties
Eastern           Himsagar, Fazli, Langra, Bombay
Western          Alphonso, Pairi, Rajapuri, Kesar
Northern        Dashehari, Langra, Bombay Green,Chausa
Southern     Neelum, Banganapalli, Totapuri, Mulgoa, Raspuri, Swarnarekha, Rumani, Badami

Soil and climate
 Ideal soil for mango is red loamy. Good drainage is preferable for better establishment. Ideal pH range is from 6.5 to 8.0

Season of planting 
Planting spreads from July to December.

Sexual Propagation:
• Seed
Vegetative Propagation:
• Inarching / approach
• Veneer grafting
• Stone Epicotyl
• Soft-wood grafting
• Budding
• Air layering

Plant the grafts at the centre of the pits with ball of earth intact and keeping the graft union 15 cm above the ground level. Stake and water the plants immediately after planting.

Planting material: 
Use plantable size grafts propagated through approach, soft wood or epicotyl grafting. 

Adopt any one of the following spacing depending on requirements. 1. Under conventional system of planting: 7-10 m either way 2. High Density Planting : 5 m x 5 m (400 plants / ha) 3. Double hedge row system : Adopt a spacing of 5 m x 5 m within double rows and 10 m between sucessive double rows (266 plants / ha).

Regular watering till establishment. For cultivation under irrigated conditions, adopt drip system of irrigation. 


Age of plants (in year)                                       Fertilizer applied
1*                                                            100g N, 50g P, 100g K.
10                                                           1kg N, 500g P, 1kg K
11                                                               do-

• Amount and frequency of irrigation depends upon the type of soil, prevailing climatic conditions.
• No irrigation is required during the monsoon months unless there are long spells of drought.
• During the first year when the plants are very young with shallow root system, they should be watered every 2-3 days in the dry season.
• Trees in the age group of 2-5 years should be irrigated at 4-5 days interval.
• The irrigation interval could be increased to 10-15 days for 5-8 years old plants during dry season.
• When trees are in full bearing stage, generally 2-3 irrigations are given after the fruit set.
• Profuse irrigation during 2-3 months proceeding the flowering season is not advisable. Irrigation should be given at 50 per cent field capacity.
• Generally, intercrops are grown during the early years of plantation and hence frequency and method of irrigation has to be adjusted accordingly.
• It is advisable to irrigate the mango plants in basins around them which can be connected in series or to the irrigation channel in the centre of rows. 

  1. Powdery mildew
  2. Anthracnose and Stalk end-rot
  3. Sooty mould
  1. Leaf galls and Aphids
  2. Flower webber
  3. Stem borer
  4. Shoot borer