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Dry land horticulture -scope

Dry land horticulture
  • Therefore dry land horticulture is taken up in small land holdings and in water scarcity lands.
  • Importance of fruit plant:- Perennial fruit crops grown in all season or fruit crop which grows and yields without wasting any available rain water, nutrient from soil is selected and cultivated.
  • Apart from this, it provides employment to farmer, women and youth. Fruit harvesting, packaging, grafting etc tasks are carried out by village youths by developing as empowerment and obtain more profit. In irrigated farm/garden it is im
  • In our country, the fertile and irrigated lands have been utilized for production of food grain and commercial crops.
  • portant stage.
  • In irrigated land areas, migrate farming system and uncultivated lands are seen (saline and alkaline soil types). In such lands, annual crops like cotton, grain crops, oil seed crops ect. are cultivated. The soil with less fertility, less cultivated are used for growing dry land horticulture crop plants and biannual crop can also be grown, various projects are showing the greatest interest in farming.

Dry land horticulture-scope

Dry land horticulture has a special significance, especially when there is a renewed emphasis on increasing the productivity of marginal lands. At present, the productivity of these lands is very low as most of these lands are located in either semiarid or arid areas. Most of these lands are not fit for crop farming, and crop farming on such lands is also very risky and is not remunerative. The cultivation of fruit crops in this region with conventional methods is not going to be a paying preposition. It is only by adopting farming system approach the cultivation of fruit crops can be successful in these regions. Eco regional approach will have to aim at enhancing agricultural productivity and production on a sustainable basis, to meet the ever growing needs of farm family and livestock for food, fuel, and fodder. This would imply an up scaling of research activities within the eco regions. Research and management of natural resources and a balance in the development and utilization of biodiversity would be important. The research should aim at improving the productivity of scarce resources while protecting the quality of soil and water and at the same time safeguarding biodiversity for posterity. Thus there is tremendous scope for horticulture in semiarid areas.